Massage therapists in WA State are licensed as healthcare providers which means there are more laws to follow than just setting up a regular business.
You can choose to be set up as just a sole proprietor.
IF you CHOOSE to incorporate, the only option that you can pick is to Professional Services (PS) or a professional limited liability company (PLLC) according to
Organization of professional service corporations authorized generally—Architects, engineers, and health care professionals—Nonprofit corporations.
You cannot be an LLC…
The only “corporate” entities in which healthcare providers maypractice their profession are professional services corporations (Ch. 18.100 RCW),professional limited liability company (RCW 25.15.045), professional limited liabilitypartnership (RCW 25.05.510), or nonprofit corporation in accordance with RCW18.100.050(4).
Professional limited liability companies.
(1) A person or group of persons duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the same professional services within this state may form and become a member or members of a professional limited liability company under the provisions of this chapter for the purposes of rendering professional service.(2) A professional limited liability company is subject to all the provisions of chapter 18.100 RCW that apply to a professional corporation. A professional limited liability company’s managers, members, agents, and employees are subject to all the provisions of chapter 18.100 RCW that apply to the directors, officers, shareholders, agents, or employees of a professional corporation, except as provided otherwise in this section and RCW 25.15.048.
If you are incorrectly incorporated, it could mean that your contracts with insurance companies are void and you might have to pay back money paid to you. Any employee contracts, non-compete contracts could be void also.
For more information see
Register your PLLC online at
Convert to a PLLC – (PDF FORM)